Hoppen Hierarchy:★★
District: Lincoln
Customizable Pizza Slices
Perfect For: Casual Dining; Takeout; Lunch; Drinks
Standout Dishes: The Local; The American; The Buffalo
Yia Yia’s is not the best pizza in Lincoln. But it is by far the most customizable.
Diners can order either slices or whole pies. The restaurant provides 16 pre-designed options for diners to choose from, but it also allows them to get a bit crazy. Consider that Yia Yia’s offers:
- 7 base sauces
- 12 cheeses
- 19 vegetables
- 8 meats
- 2 fruits
- 2 nuts
The options are seemingly endless. And slightly intimidating.

So feel free to stick to Yia Yia’s prescribed slices if your mind starts spinning at the amount of flavor combinations. The Local is basically the ultimate combo pizza, loading four different meats and another four vegetables on a marinara sauce.
Yia Yia’s is quite liberal with the toppings. Every bite is an assault of several flavors at once, but it’s not overwhelming. The marinara carries just a hint of sweetness, which helps balance all the salt from the meats. The sausage stands out, adding hints of spice.
The crust is thin, and it’s a bit flimsy. I don’t blame it; it would be quite the feat to hold up under the mountain of toppings. Though I appreciate the toppings, I’d sacrifice a few of them if it meant the poor crust wasn’t so weighed down.
The crust holds up a bit better on a simpler slice, such as The American. It’s definitely more creative, adding sweetness with a BBQ sauce base and kernels of corn.
If you do choose your own adventure, there are many paths you can take. There are all the traditional staples, but Yia Yia’s also provides some crazier options like feta cheese, potatoes, sauerkraut, ground turkey, and cranberries. Whatever route you choose, resist the temptation to load up your slice and zone in on the ingredients you’re most drawn to. Give the crust a fighting chance.
The slices deserve credit for their sheer size. They’re about 7 inches long and take up most of the platter they’re served on.
The service isn’t speedy, even during non-peek hours. Slices take at least 15-20 minutes to arrive, even in the middle of the afternoon.

One of the major bonuses to Yia Yia’s is their extensive beer menu. They have between 12 and 15 beers on tap and, by my estimate, another 60 or 70 in bottles. Any beer connoisseur should be able to find something they like here. And for those that like a stiffer drink, there’s a full-stocked bar as well.
Yia Yia’s isn’t a perfect pizza joint, but its provides Lincoln with an awesome by-the-slice restaurant right in the heart of downtown.